Vocabulary #1
Expository: to set forth or explain
Composition: combining parts or elements to form a whole
Assuage: make milder or less severe
Decadence: act of falling ito an inferior condition or state
Hackneyed: make commonplace
Coalition: combination or alliance
Transcend: rise above or go beyond
Meritorious: deserving praise
Lurid: gruesome, horrible
Petulant: showing sudden, impatient irritation
Vocabulary #2
Obesity: condition of being overweight
Accumulate: to gather or collect
Mass: a boy of coherent matter; collection of particles
Disease: a disorder or dis-functioning part of the body
Diet: particular selection of food
Prevalence: widespread
Stigma: mark of disgrace or infamy
Prevent: keep from occuring
Adolescent: growing to adulthood; youth
Cardiovascular: pertaining or affecting the heart
Excessive: going above and beyond the necessary limit
Mechanism: assembly of moving parts performing a complete function
Sedentary: accustomed to sit or rest a great deal to take little excersize
Predispose: give a tendency to beforehand
Syndrome: group of symptoms that come together that characterize a specific order
Vocabulary #3
Accomplice: a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing
Annihilate: to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence
Arbitrary: subject to individual will or judgement without restrictions
Brazen: shameless or impudent
Catalyst: a person or thing that precipitates an event or change
Exodus: a going out, a departure
Facilitate: to make easier or less difficult
Incorrigible: bad beyond correction or reform
Latent: present but not visible
Militant: vigorously active and aggresive
Morose: gloomily or sullenly ill-humored
Opaque: not transparent or translucent
Paramount: above others in rank or authority
Prattle: talk in a foolish or simple-minded way
Rebut: to oppose by contrary proof
Reprimand: severe reproof or rebuke
Servitude: slavery or bondage of any kind
Slapdash: hasty, haphazard
Stagnant: not flowing or running
Succumb: to give way to superior force
Vocabulary #4
Accede: give consent or approval
Brandish: to shake or wave, as a weapon
Comprise: to include or contain
Deft: skillful
Destitute: without meaning or subsistence
Explicit: fully expressed or demonstrated
Extirpate: to remove or destroy totally
Inopportune: inappropriate or inconvenient
Ironic: using words to convey a meaning that is opposite of the meaning
Musty: lacking originality or vitality
Officious: official
Ominous: portending evil or harm
Pinnacle: a lofty peak
Premeditated: planned in advance, done deliberately
Rampant: violent in action or spirit
Solace: comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble
Stately: majestic
Supple: bending readily without breaking
Suppress: put an end to activities of
Venal: willing to sell someones influence
Vocabulary #5
Adroit: expert or nimble in use of hands or body
Amicable: characterized by goodwill
Averse: strong feeling of opposition
Belligerent: warlike
Benevolent: kind feelings
Cursory: rapidly oer something
Duplicity: deceitfulness in speech or conduct
Extol: to praise highly
Feasable: capable of being done
Grimace: facial expression
Holocaust: complete disaster or destruction
Impervious: not permitting penetration
Impetus: a moving force
Jeapardy: risk or hazard to exposure or loss
Meticulous: showing extreme care to minute details
Nostalgia: wistful desire to return to past thoughts
Quintessence: pure concentrated essence
Retrogress: to go backwards to earlier/worse conditions
Scrutinize: to examine in detail
Tepid: moderately warm
Vocabulary #7
cursory: going rapidly over something
impetus: a moving force
pinnacle: the peak of something
contumely: insulting display of contempt
bereavement: period of mourning after a loss
cache: a hiding place, or being hidden
consummation: completion, an act of consummation
calamity: great misfortune or disaster
avarice: insatiable greed for riches
fortify: protect or strengthen
erratic: deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion
ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time
fortitude: mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity
nonchalant: coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited;
affect: to act on
effect: something that is produced by action or cause
misappropriate: to put to a wrong use
pragmatic: of or pertaining to a practical point of view or practical considerations.
metacognition: higher-order thinking that enables understanding
devoutly: devoted to divine worship or service
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